04 May RBX Philosophy in Action
Note from the MD
After a full year of living under a state of emergency it is only natural for many of us to be tiring of all the protocols and restrictions that this has brought to our lives.
Unfortunately, our return towards normality is subject to the extensive and successful distribution of the vaccines and this appears to be far behind the desired schedule. In addition to this many countries around the world are facing the 3rd wave even with a more wide-spread vaccine roll-out than what South Africa has achieved. Last year I wrote about the responsibility that goes with us being identified as an essential service and that remains as important today as it was in 2020. Please Maintain your vigilance and support the protocols to keep us all safe and able to work. Cheers Rob
RBX Philosophy in Action
With input from employees, at all levels in our organisation, the RBX Group has chosen a few initiatives to live out the above. One such initiative is to support early childhood development and education as part of our Community Support in the Areas where we are based.
A few schools have been identified and through building relationship with them, we are able to identify needs they have and assist them in supplying some of the basic materials that are needed to keep smiles on these little faces.
Recently, some of our Xsit staff had the privilege of delivering new sanitizing stations, cleaning materials, books, puzzles, stationary, educational toys, kitchen utensils and of course some Easter Eggs to one of these schools. This school is Sonstraaltjies Educare. Thanks to the school leaders and parent body for agreeing to let us share these photos with our whole RBX team.
Birthdays for May:
Thobani Bisa, Marince Brown, Hillsenzo Coetzee, Enrico Ficks, Meugel Fransman, Nadia Gagiano, Mathew Goddard, Sachelo Kamfer, Christopher Kapel, Theunis Lombard, Keegan Mentoor, Ngquse Mncedisi, Andre Moolman, Eric Nohamba(Director), Patricia Prince, Albertus Ruiters, Dyhan Ruiters, Gerreny September, Muriël Skeepers, Anita Smit, Sean Thackeray, Ralton Titus, Petrus Willemse, Pamela Zamxaka