Moth Matters

Moth Matters

Note from the MD

The increased stability in process and control over change in the Citrusdal facility has seen more moths produced than ever before. The number of moths
per unit of production have also increased to such an extent that the volume of moths for collection at the end of the process has caused new problems due to the sheer number being handled at one time. The careful management of the process and fine tuning of inputs to get the required amounts of output is underway with small changes being done each time. This consistency and control could not have been achieved at a better time as interest in our programme increases from around the world.


SPLAT- FCM, which stands for Specialised Pheromone Lure Application Technique for false codling moth, is our Mating Disruption product imported from the USA. This product was successfully applied over 3,800 hectares in the 2017/18 season and this season we increased our coverage to 7,000 hectares. Sales are focused through Wenkem and have gone extremely well with us almost sold out for the season.

As can be seen from the photo above, we apply the product via a service company named Salom in the North and using X-SIT staff in the Western and Eastern Cape. Applications are done twice a season with the first application in October / November and the second one in January / February. The product is applied to the top third of the tree, using extended caulking guns, and releases the pheromones for up to 12 weeks disrupting the FCM Mating efforts. A huge RBX team effort to deliver an awesome product.

RBX Group Birthdays in November:

Alister Ruiters, Andries Fransman, Botha Van Rensburg, Brenda Nell, Craig Chambers, Ethan Nel, Leana Swartz, Lumka Mdodana, Marco Fortuin, Nathan Fransman, Nevill Boersma, Rachel Mouton, William Baron