04 Jul An Investment in the Future
Note from the MD
The last SIT moth releases for the season were completed last week. The levels of production in our facility and the number of moths released in all valleys is a record compared to any previous season and in this, the full staff compliment must be very proud. This success in production does not, however, mean that the SIT programme has an assured future.
The programme is still seen as expensive by the producers who face a number of other cost increases on top of this in getting their crops sold overseas. Our focus needs to remain on controlling all input costs and making sure that all resources are used to their full potential. This will give the SIT programme the best chance of a successful future.
East African Collaboration
River Bioscience recently expanded its insect culture establishment facility in Addo. The expansion included a dedicated research laboratory, quality control office, canteen as well as additional production area. The additional production space will allow for advanced research into commercial production systems that will benefit our current development projects that include four new viruses’. The space is also critical to ensure the commercial production of our new NPV virus is of the highest quality.
As planned our team has grown to make the best use of the development, with five new appointments made in the last two months. Miss Lumka Modonda recently joined River Bioscience from Xsit to take up a Quality Control co-ordinator role and Mathew Goddard joined as our production researcher and heads up an experienced team. The expansion will allow for continuous improvement in all areas of production and quality control which is something that we continually strive for and that will help secure the future for our business.
RBX Group Birthdays in June:
Ernest Adonis; Liana De Araujo;Rob Elfick; Malvene Filander; Colin Januarie; Elizabeth Kellerman; Mlungiseleli Lolwana; Jeffrey Louw; Livona Ludick; Siyabulela Lutholi; Clarissa Mouton; Hester Nortje; Julian Persens; Franco Pieters; Lungisa Qulu; Emeel Ruiters; Norman Ruiters; Mzimkhulu Solani; Urbin Swartz; Chris Symington; Hendrik Syster; Carol Titus; Lesley Valentyn; Moliza-Marie Valentyn; Brendon Van Der Westhuizen